2025 MenuMasters Award Nomination
General Criteria

All menu item(s) submitted must meet the following general criteria:

  •  Product introductions should have been rolled out within calendar year of 2024
  •  Are innovative and creative
  •  Have had broad impact within your industry segment as well as your company
  •  Present a value for customers in terms of price, taste and other attributes
  •  Provide quantifiable success based on test results or impact on comparable store sales gains
  • Demonstrate long-term impact on your overall menu mix
  •  Have achieved the goal intended as part of the launch
  • Were supported by strategic menu marketing efforts during the menu rollout

Please note: If your nomination is selected as a 2025 MenuMasters winner, the appropriate R&D executive(s) MUST be present at both the MenuMasters Collaboration event to be held in March 2025 to create the menu for the celebration night with your fellow winners. In addition, you must be present at the MenuMasters Awards Ceremony on May 17, 2025 held at Morgan Manufacturing in Chicago, Illinois to accept this award. We do not accept substitutions or acceptance in absentee.

For questions and/or to send additional supporting documentation for your nomination, contact jesse.parziale@informa.com.